Our thoughts hold immense power. Often it feels like our thoughts have a mind of their own, running wild like unsupervised children on a playground. They may wander into dangerous territories, clash with other thoughts, or become stagnant and unproductive.
However, if we can learn to guide our thoughts at will and become the masters of our own thinking and emotions, it becomes a significant advantage. As we harness the creative, unique, wise, and positive potential of our thoughts and feelings, we naturally experience increased happiness and efficiency. Furthermore, we contribute positively to the world at large.
Training our self-talk and thoughts is a skill that requires practice, much like physical exercise such as weightlifting, dancing, or yoga. It is akin to daily rituals like brushing our teeth, something to be consistently practiced.
Hypnosis, in essence, is a state characterized by profound suggestibility, relaxation, and a heightened imagination. In practical terms, it is akin to daydreaming or getting lost in a captivating book or movie. During hypnosis, you are fully conscious while selectively tuning out most of the external stimuli. Your focus becomes laser-like, centering on the specific subject at hand, often excluding other thoughts.
In the “trance” of everyday experiences like daydreaming or immersing oneself in a movie, an imaginary world can feel real, effectively engaging your emotions. Events within this fantasy realm can evoke genuine fear, sadness, or happiness, even leading to physical reactions like jolting in your seat if startled by a surprise.
Some researchers classify such trances as forms of self-hypnosis, and Milton Erickson, a renowned expert in hypnotism, argued that individuals self-hypnotize on a daily basis. In traditional hypnosis, one approaches the suggestions of the hypnotherapist or even their own thoughts as if they were reality, opening doors to transformative change and growth.
You might experience the same feeling while watching a movie: As you immerse yourself in the plot, worries about your job, family, etc. fade away, until all you’re thinking about is what’s up on the screen. In this state, you are also highly suggestible. That is, when the therapist tells you do something, you’ll probably embrace the idea completely.
A hypnotist can’t get you to do anything you don’t want to do.
Simply stated, hypnosis is nothing more than a way to access a person’s subconscious mind directly. Normally, you are only aware of the thought processes in your conscious mind. You consciously think over the problems that are right in front of you, consciously choose words as you speak, consciously try to remember where you left your car in the car park. But in doing all these things, your conscious mind is working hand-in-hand with your subconscious mind, the unconscious part of your mind that does your “behind the scenes” thinking.
Your subconscious mind accesses the vast reservoir of information that lets you solve problems, construct sentences or locate your car.
Your subconscious also takes care of all the stuff you do automatically.
You don’t actively work through the steps of breathing minute to minute — your subconscious mind does that. You don’t think through every little thing you do while driving a car — a lot of the small stuff is thought out in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious also processes the physical information your body receives.
In short, your subconscious mind is the real brains behind the operation — it does most of your thinking, and it decides a lot of what you do. When you’re awake, your conscious mind works to evaluate a lot of these thoughts, make decisions and put certain ideas into action. It also processes new information and relays it to the subconscious mind.
But when you’re asleep, the conscious mind gets out of the way, and your subconscious has free reign. The deep relaxation and focusing exercises of hypnotism work to calm and subdue the conscious mind so that it takes a less active role in your thinking process. In this state, you’re still aware of what’s going on, but your conscious mind takes a backseat to your subconscious mind.
Effectively, this allows you and the hypnotist to work directly with the subconscious. It’s as if the hypnotism process pops open a control panel inside your brain. The subconscious regulates your bodily sensations, such as taste, touch and sight, as well as your emotional feelings. When the access door is open, and the hypnotist can speak to your subconscious directly, he or she can trigger all these feelings, so you experience relaxation, the satisfaction of contentment and any number of other feelings.
In hypnotherapy, a session involves combining hypnosis with programming. Hypnosis alone refers to being in a state of hypnosis without a specific goal or objective. However, when programming is used to achieve specific objectives like weight loss or smoking cessation, the session is considered hypnotherapy. Nicola Smith, for instance, refers to the programming component of the session as the script.
Yes, achieving the lightest state of hypnosis, known as Alpha, is relatively easy. We naturally enter a hypnotic state multiple times throughout the day. It’s the state we experience while watching TV, reading a captivating book, playing video games, and even when driving. It’s that in-between state of being neither fully conscious nor fully unconscious.
During this state, our suggestibility increases up to 200 times compared to when we are fully awake, known as Beta. Many individuals who come across the concept of hypnosis often claim, “I can’t be hypnotised.” Such belief arises from misconceptions propagated by the media about hypnosis and its nature.
But the truth is that you don’t need to be in some kind of otherworldly trance to experience hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural state that we naturally transition into and out of throughout the day. Many ordinary activities we engage in are actually performed under hypnosis without our conscious awareness. Hypnosis is similar to the state experienced while driving long distances, where your focus is primarily on the road while tuning out irrelevant stimuli.
If a situation arises that demands your attention, like a car trying to pass you, your body and mind will respond accordingly. At any moment, you can choose to notice the beautiful trees or sheep in the field when passing by. Another example of hypnosis is playing video games. Some individuals can play for hours without even realising it, yet still be able to respond if someone talks to them.
A third example is being on the computer. While engrossed in computer-related tasks, we remain focused but can intelligently answer the phone when it rings. Therefore, hypnosis is no different from driving a car, playing video games, or working on a computer.
Through extensive research, multiple research groups have made significant advancements in understanding the topic. One fascinating finding is that our hearing functions like a constant surveillance camera. Unlike our eyes that can close, our ears never shut. They remain open at all times, continuously absorbing information. For instance, when a mother is seemingly “asleep” and hears her baby cry, she will quickly “awaken” to attend to the needs of her child.
In reality, we never truly sleep, as a part of our brain is always alert. This part is our hearing, which remains vigilant to protect us and our loved ones. If an intruder were to break into your home while you are “asleep,” you would be immediately alerted upon hearing any noise. Your hearing operates 24/7, constantly gathering and recording information. In hypnosis, we harness this capability to your advantage. Even if you happen to drift into a state resembling sleep during the session, your brain continues to record all the information in your subconscious mind.
There is a common belief that intelligence and suggestibility are directly linked, indicating that the higher one’s intelligence, the more susceptible they are to hypnosis. It is often thought that individuals with below-average IQs struggle to enter a hypnotic state, while geniuses naturally reside in a state similar to Alpha, making them highly responsive to hypnosis. This correlation between intelligence and suggestibility is suggested to explain their exceptional ability to tap into their subconscious mind, manifesting their creations and bringing them to the world.
This can not happen.
It is important to acknowledge that achieving a deep trance state, comparable to the level of dissociation or “blackout” experienced under anesthesia, is quite rare, with less than 10% of the population able to reach such depths during hypnosis. These individuals, known as “somnambulists,” typically do not remember the specific details of their experience unless instructed to do so by the hypnotherapist. However, it is worth noting that even somnambulists will naturally awaken at the conclusion of a hypnosis session.
For the majority of individuals, a lighter trance state (referred to as alpha) is typically attained during hypnosis. In this state, people maintain awareness of their surroundings while experiencing profound relaxation and focus.
Hypnosis is a state of extreme relaxation, suggestibility, and heightened imagination. It is like daydreaming, or the feeling of “losing yourself” in a good book or movie. You are fully conscious, but you tune out most of the stimuli around you. During hypnotherapy you focus intently on the subject at hand, to the near exclusion of any other thought, in order to make the changes you want to make.
Hypnotherapy can help you make changes in your life. It allows you to focus your attention on a particular goal and you are more likely to follow the suggestions during a hypnotic state. Hypnosis has medical, therapeutic, physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits.
The two states are essentially the same. There are however two differences. One, in hypnotherapy you are being guided into the state as opposed to daydreaming in which you drift there by yourself. Secondly, while in hypnotherapy you are given positive suggestions for change.
Hypnosis is appropriate for most people. There is controversy over the use of hypnosis for people with epilepsy or people with personality disorders or schizophrenia. There are no drawbacks to hypnosis if you do not have these disorders.
Yes, you will always have free will. You will be less aware of your surroundings because you will be focused on suggestions, but you will be able to exit the hypnotic state at any moment.
Yes, however you should focus on only one hypnosis recording topic at a time to see the best results. You can also use other forms of therapy such as relaxation techniques, cognitive-behavioural therapy, meditation, acupuncture, etc.
No. It is very relaxing. Some people do end up falling asleep and this is okay because your subconscious mind will still hear the suggestions.
Yes, if you want to be. You can zone in or out. You will experience a heightened state of concentration on suggestions, but can come back to a fully conscious state if something needed your attention.
No, you will always be in control.
No, you should always seek the advice of a medical doctor before making a major change in your life.
Medications are not needed to enter a state of hypnosis. You should always seek the advice of a medical doctor if you wish to stop using medication.
Your subconscious mind has no concept of time so hypnotherapy can help you change no matter what your age.
If you are purposefully resisting hypnosis, it won’t work because you are always in control.
It can still work, but your results will be better if you are on board with the program.
Anyone who wants to make a change in his or her life is a good candidate for hypnosis.
You should start the session over again when you can.
Approximately 60 minutes.
Listen for 21 days/nights in a row and then on an as needed basis. Listen on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis for reinforcement after the initial 21 nights.
Some people will never have to listen to it again after 21 nights. Others may need to listen to it on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly basis to continue to maintain the change. Everyone is different so it varies.
You will feel relaxed and as though all of your attention is focused on the suggestions.
Results vary. Some people begin seeing results right away. Most people see results within 21 days. And a small percentage of people have to listen to the recordings for a longer period of time.
You will notice changes in your life. They may be small at first and then you will see complete change within 21 days.
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Nicola Smith